Edit/Delete A/R Invoice, Payment or JEs
Allows you to change entries to the Accounts Receivable invoice or payment application. You may change the invoice number, application date, transaction date, production date (if the general ledger number is 3xxxx), description, general ledger number, DOI status level, and invoice amount.
Select A/R - Edit/Delete Invoice or Payment
This process works just like the one in A/P for Deleting A/P Invoices & Payments. You can refer to that section for more information on how this process works.
You have two different ways to look at A/R invoices. The first way, from your Filter screen select Browse Payments or JEs.
The next way is by selecting the Browse All tab from your Filter page.
COMPANY NUMBER: The company this invoice was assigned to.
OWNER/CUSTOMER NUMBER: The owner or customer this invoice was assigned to.
INVOICE NUMBER: You can enter a specific invoice number and only that invoice will be accessed. To see all invoices for an owner, leave the invoice number field blank.
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